AU residents 18+ only. Comp runs 12.01am (AEDT) 9/10/23 to 11.59pm (AEDT) 17/12/23. Buy a specially marked 24pk or 30pk carton of Great Northern Original or Super Crisp from participating Dan Murphy's and BWS outlets (including online and at jimmybrings.com.au), find unique code inside carton, then during comp period visit greatnorthern.com.au/promotions & fill out entry form incl. unique code to see on screen if you've won an instant prize & to enter major draw. Keep unique code/s & original itemised receipt/s. Max 1 entry p/purchase & p/unique code – max 10 entries in total. Instant win prizes: (up to) 1475x towel ($50ea), 2750x adult size straw hat ($30ea), 26062x 6pk can cooler ($15ea). Major prize draw: 12pm (AEDT) 19/12/23 at 41 Stubbs St, Kensington VIC 3031. 4x major prizes: each a trip for 2 (18+) to winner's choice of either Rottnest Island, Tasmania, Northern Territory or Stradbroke Island, valued up to $10,970. See entry website on 22/12/23 for major winners. Entrants will get future marketing from Promoter, and if opt in, from Endeavour Group. See entry website for full conditions incl. privacy statement. Promoter: CUB Pty Ltd (ABN 76 004 056 106), 58 Queens Bridge St, Southbank VIC 3006. Authorised under: ACT TP23/01039, SA T23/806, NSW TP/00044.